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Dr. Gary J. Falcone

Adjunct Professor


"This degree is the cornerstone of business. It demonstrates achievement, aptitude, competence and potential in the field."

Degrees Held:

  • Ed.D. – Rutgers University, 2000
  • M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology – Stevens Institute of Technology, 1977
  • B.A. in Psychology – Monmouth College, 1974

Career Highlights:

Certificate in Life & Career Coaching, Rider University, 2017; Certificate of Recognition, Rider University, 2014, Rider Class of 2014.

Which online degree program(s) do you teach?

MBA – General

  • Which classes do you teach online?

    MBA 810: Developing Your Leadership Skills and HCD 670: Human Resource Development

  • What do you want students to take away from your classes? What do you want them to learn?

    I want students to gain a variety of skills such as team learning, online technical skill, communication and conceptual skills, self-directed learning, planning and organizational work, library research skill, and decision-making.

  • What is the value of an MBA?

    This degree is the cornerstone of business. It demonstrates achievement, aptitude, competence and potential in the field.

  • What advice would you give to those considering the online MBA program?

    Refine your career goals, build your curriculum so that it integrates your strongest interests, and be prepared to be active and have an open mind toward the learning challenges you will face.

  • What qualities make someone particularly successful in business?

    An analytical mind, business acumen, understanding people and groups, and a sense of the future.

  • Why did you start teaching?

    Teaching and learning are activities that have always lifted me up, helped me grow and enabled me to do the same for others.

  • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

    “Predictably Irrational” by Dan Ariely

  • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students might not know.

    I actually made my high school freshman basketball team (my height is 5'5").

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